Browsing All Posts published on »August, 2012«

The Systemico Model

August 23, 2012


Originally posted on Barry O'Reilly:
Manage value not cost One of the foremost challenges we constantly encounter on development projects is the focus of teams and product managers on managing cost rather than value. In its most basic form this manifests itself daily in user stories where teams tend to concentrate on prioritisation, scope…

Testing tools for SQL development

August 22, 2012


I’ve recently put together an article on using SQL Test/tSQLt, which you can find here. However, I wanted to briefly talk about the alternatives as I see them. Before any commercial testing tools were around we could just use a combination of manual scripts that called procedures and used temporary tables to hold data. It […]

Test Driven Development in the world of SQL

August 22, 2012


Any software/web developer worth hiring would tell you that Test Driven Development is important. Although it takes time to do properly,  It can increase productivity as features tend to be developed with a clearer understanding of the problem and make changing business requirements much easier to implement. Importantly, your code quality will improve and there […]

August 15, 2012


I think it depends on your requirements, I’ve used a similar flag to indicate “active” records but this also had an automated process to move inactive records into a separate table so those operations could batched.

SQL Server Test Driven Development with Redgate’s SQL Test

August 13, 2012


I’ll be providing a more detailed post on this shortly, in the meantime please check out SQL Test internally uses tSQLt, a popular open source framework, combined with Redgate’s expert knowledge of providing add-ons to management studio means that we now have an integrated toolset for test driven development in the SQL world. Why […]